The Champagne house Louis Déhu specializes in viticulture and the production of Champagne.
The information on the Champagne Louis Déhu website (Wine Grower) are provided for information only and are not binding character. This entire site is covered by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Reproduction of all or part of this site conducted outside a strictly private use is expressly forbidden.
The information on the website are provided for information only. They are not binding character, nor exhaustive. SAS Louis Déhu can not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
Therefore, SAS Louis Déhu excludes reponsability for:
- any inaccuracy of the information available on this website. Pictures and descriptions are non-contractual.
- all possible direct or indirect damages, whatever the causes caused by reason of anyone accessing the site or inability to access it.
The Champagne Louis Déhu website reserves the right to modify or correct the content at any time and without notice.
SAS Louis Déhu
Independant Wine grower from Champagne
Head Office :
10 bis Boulevard Saint Michel
51480 Venteuil
Tél. :
Responsibility for publication : SAS Louis Déhu
Design & Development : Loren-N Création (Design and Pictures content) et BR’IT, Mobile & Web (Structure and Development)
Pictures Crédits : SAS Louis Déhu, Image de Marque, Loren-N Création
WebHosting : OVH – Head Office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
The author undertakes to respect the laws concerning the establishment and creation of website.